True Devotion: Understanding God Through a Broader Perspective

Find what is true devotion, understanding through a wider perspective, love, respect for all living beings, striving for the welfare of others, giving up ego


9/8/20247 min read

Devotion is an important aspect of human life. It refers to our devotion, service and purity of mind towards God. Devotion is not just singing praises or worshipping God. It refers to our actions, thoughts and feelings towards others. True devotion is love and respect for all living beings, striving for the welfare of others and renouncing ego.

True Devotion: Understanding God Through a Broader Perspective
True Devotion: Understanding God Through a Broader Perspective

A. Love and Respect for All Living Beings

Every being in the world has the light of God's creation. By looking at it we see the reflection of God in each being. We should live a life filled with love and respect towards all beings living on this earth together. This is the strength of true devotion. Our true worship towards God is how we treat others with love, patience and forgiveness.

Love, respect and compassion are the most important values ​​in human life. These values ​​are the way to describe how we behave towards others and how our relationships are in society. "Love and respect towards all living beings" is not just a personal virtue, it is an essential practice for the well-being of everyone in society.

Wide Spread of Love: Showing love towards every living being gives us a sense of respect for God's creation. Love should not only extend to family and friends but also to all living beings, nature and other people. Love should be reflected in our actions, words and thoughts.

We must believe that every living being has an equal right to live on this earth and show kindness towards them. Our love should not be limited but should be equally extended towards all beings.

Importance of Respect: Along with love, respect is also an important virtue. Respecting others means accepting their personality, feelings and rights. Respect is kindness, and it implies a commitment towards others in our mind.

If we can respect everyone in our daily lives, it will maintain harmony and peace in society. Respect is not just a style of behaviour; it is a practical approach that we should adopt in our daily lives.

Getting Out of the Limited Perspective: When our perspective is limited, we can focus only on things that are relevant to us. But, the concept that “every being has value” helps to broaden our perspective. To show respect and love towards others, other living beings, is to respect yourself, and put your selfishness aside.

Love and respect towards all living beings is not only a duty of man but also a universal virtue. When these values ​​are inculcated in us, we get true happiness and peace of mind. By showing love and respect with the concept that “every being has the presence of God”, we can bring peace and harmony to society.

B. Striving for the Welfare of Others

True devotion is not only striving for self-welfare but more than that, it is to strive for the welfare of others. It is a way of coming out of our limited perspective and working for social welfare, and the well-being of everyone in society.

For a human being to attain true value, true satisfaction and spiritual fulfilment it is important to strive not only for one's welfare but also for the welfare of others. Working for the welfare of others is a lifestyle full of selflessness, the spirit of service and compassion.

Spontaneous Cooperation: Society is based on cooperation. Every good deed, every positive act of ours affects the lives of others. Working for the welfare of others means striving to improve the lot of every individual in our society. This not only gives us personal satisfaction but also increases peace and harmony in society.

Selfless Service: Recognizing the needs of others and working for their welfare is selfless service. Our service should be done from a human perspective without any expectations or rewards. “Service-oriented work” gives us self-satisfaction, and helps us to demonstrate our devotion to God.

We can Serve in Many Ways: feeding the poor, working for education, providing services for the welfare of the sick, or striving to help in any way we can. Each service effort, no matter how big or small, reflects the love behind it and the concern shown towards others.

Interdependence: Striving for the welfare of others means treating everyone as a member of our family. We should follow “collective equality”, “justice”, and “compassionate” lifestyles. By helping others, we can bring them happiness and success in life.

True Devotion to God: Striving for the welfare of others is a way to show our true devotion to God. True devotion is to show God's divine light with love, respect and service to all beings.

"Working for the welfare of others" is not only a human virtue, but it is a way to perfect our soul. It represents a selfless, egalitarian and compassionate lifestyle for us. Through our service efforts, we must believe that we can earn God's grace, and this attitude can bring peace, happiness and harmony to our lives.

To understand the "glory of God", we can see Him not only in self-discovery but also through helping and helping others. Through selfless service, we experience God's divine light more strongly.

C. Giving Up the Ego

Understanding God's sovereignty means that we give up the ego. Pride pollutes our personality and soul. There is no room for pride in the mind of devotion. By abandoning pride and adopting humility, we can fully understand the glory of God.

Pride is a great force that destroys a person's personality, soul and relationships. It gradually grows in our lives and creates low self-esteem and an inferiority complex in us. “Abandoning pride” is an important step in spiritual life as well as in social relationships.

Adverse Effects of Pride: Pride is a strong feeling that arises in the mind. It makes us lose sight of equality with others and harms our spirituality. Pride is reflected in the work we do, the words we speak and the thoughts we hold.

An egoistic mind is always trying to appear superior to others or to belittle others. This feeling is harmful not only to us but also to those around us. Pride causes us to forget our true nature and distances us from God's grace.

Beauty in Humility: "Humility" is the antithesis of pride. Humility means respecting others, accepting their opinions and recognizing our limitations. A humble person is always ready to help others and strives for the welfare of others, leaving behind his selfishness.

"Letting go of arrogance" means adopting humility, self-love, and self-importance. This shows us the path to self-satisfaction and God's grace.

Empathy for Others: Letting go of arrogance helps develop empathy and even love for others. While being arrogant, we cannot fully understand the plight of others. But, if we can lower our pride and look with humility, we will see their plight and be ready to help.

Peace of Mind: By letting go of arrogance, we experience a new peace of mind. Pride keeps the mind restless and dissatisfied, but humility gives us spiritual peace. Only when pride is given up do we find true peace and happiness.

Nearness to God: To reach nearness to God, we must completely renounce arrogance. God Favors those who are humble and modest. If we are humble and unabashed, we can fully understand the glory of God.

“Letting go of ego” is an important quality of life. It leads our soul to peace, happiness and closeness to God. By adopting humility and treating others with love and respect, we can achieve true spirituality. “Letting go of pride” and attaining God's mercy should be the highest goal of our lives.

D. Getting Out of a Restricted Perspective

To fully understand the glory of God, we need to see Him not from a limited perspective but from a broad and generous perspective. In many cases, we see God only based on our ideas and preferences. But true devotion means that we extend our devotion universally by acknowledging the omnipresence of God.

We must understand that God is not just for our worship, but is in every aspect of our lives, in every human being, in every creature. By doing this, we walk on the path of true devotion.

A limited perspective is a narrowed view of how we see the world, life and others. It limits our thoughts, opinions and experiences. Getting out of a limited perspective means expanding your thinking, and trying to see others and the world from a broader perspective.

Disadvantages of Limited Perspective: A limited perspective prevents us from understanding many things in many ways. It leads us to interpret each scene and each person we see in a certain way.

If we always think in the same frame, it becomes difficult to understand other people's opinions, their ideology and their experiences. A limited perspective can hinder our creativity and new possibilities from being properly understood.

Life Change through Broader Perspective: Getting out of a limited perspective means adopting a broader perspective in our thoughts, opinions and understanding of the world. It shows the way to expand our soul, our thoughts and our actions.

A broader perspective helps us to see every scene and every situation from a new prism. It empowers us to understand the experiences of others and see different things from different angles.

Accepting Different Experiences: By accepting and respecting not only our own but also the experiences of others, we can break out of a limited perspective. Every person's experience is unique. It reflects a vision, a way of life. By accepting the experiences of others, we can expand our minds and see the world in a completely new light.

Improved Interpersonal Relationships: By taking a broader perspective, we can build better relationships with others. It helps us understand them, and build intimacy with them. Misunderstandings and conflicts caused by a limited perspective are reduced.

Spiritual Well-being: By taking a broader perspective, we can experience our soul to the fullest. A limited perspective not only shrinks our soul but also prevents our growth. But a broader perspective can liberate our soul and bring new dimensions to our lives.

Understanding the Divinity of God: Breaking out of a limited perspective is an important way to understand the glory of God and His universality. If we begin to see God not only from the limited perspective of our ego but see His divinity in all beings, and in all experiences, our devotion will deepen.

Getting out of the limited perspective is a new way of looking at our soul, our thoughts and our life. By thinking from a broader perspective, we help to understand others better, embrace new experiences and fully understand the glory of God. This brings peace, happiness and spiritual satisfaction into our lives.

"True devotion" means seeing God in every being, in every action, in every thought and living a life of love, service and humility. By living such a life, we can realize the true glory of God. Our devotion to God must rise above the limited perspective and stand in the omnipresent perspective. This brings us peace, happiness and spiritual satisfaction.