About Me – Contact Me for Inner Journey Details and Queries

Hi to all. Thank you so much for visiting my website. I am Pshaik from Telangana, India. I have been meditating for a few years. Please check what is required for you here, which will help you go through your inner journey. Contact me if you need any help.

Our mind wonders and wonders, it goes on wonder day in and day out, in the nights and lifelong. It never stops even in sleep. It will stop only when we die. Sometimes it jumps into the past which is dead or it goes to the future which has not yet come. It is a moment, a present moment. If we are in the present moment, the mind stops. If someone experiences that moment, he or she knows what that is. Experiencing is important otherwise all are words. It cannot be expressed, if expressed then all are words, and experience lasts.

Meditation is the art of quitting or putting the mind off or aside, like a switch. If we put on the switch, the bulb will glow or when put off, the bulb doesn’t glow, simply like when we want the mind to go into the past to taste the bitterness or sweetness of memories willingly or to go into the future to enjoy the fantasy willingly. When we meditate these things can be done on our will.

Willing is different from control. If we control the mind it will obey for that moment only and if we are not alert and not in the present moment it will go into the old routine. So don’t try to control the mind and you cannot control the mind whatever you do is impossible. Just understand it, know its behaviour, make friends with it, don’t make any enmity with it, make good communication with it, you behave like you behave with a person. These are only hints.

Try to be just like a child enthusiastic to know not to learn. Learning too much will create obstacles or destroy the characteristic of knowing. Knowing is more beautiful than learning. Knowing is simple, learning is hard, and it will burden you.

If anyone asks me how to go inside, or what is an inner journey, I just suggest they simply sit down at any lonely place preferably with nature surrounded by trees, birds, a river bank, or any peaceful place. Sit silently, sit silently and I repeat 100 times sit silently, don’t do anything. If you try this for a few days you will be engaged with so many thoughts and if you continue, thoughts will disappear and calmness will descend on you. There will be no financial investment and no expenses, all will come just free of cost.

When we continue meditation in a lonely place alone, love and compassion will start growing and I assure you it will overflow within a few days and you cannot control it and a stage will come one or other day you must share it with others. When you share it with others, that joy and happiness is inexhaustible. You cannot price it. Others will also join with you with the same love and affection.

So don’t be greedy, spend and spare some time for yourself from your business time or job hours. Try to meditate. Try to be alone even when you are in society, or with family, or with your friends or anywhere you are. There is a lot apart from money, power, society, family, or any other material world. Being alone is an art of living. Being alone is different from loneliness. Because loneliness is sick and chrematistic. Coming out of loneliness to aloneness is a good sign.

Last but not least I just want to remember that we have to depart the world alone. Nobody will come with us, we cannot take our hard-earned wealth, power, family, children or any other thing that we earned by sacrificing our happiness or life, we cannot take anything with us. Then what is left? What do we take with us when we die? Who will come with us when we die? Please think over it and meditate on it. Knowing all these things is an “Inner Journey”. Thank you so much once again for being with me.

Contact Me

Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. You can use the form on my website or email me directly. I appreciate your interest and look forward to hearing from you.

Meditation is the art of quitting or putting the mind off
Meditation is the art of quitting or putting the mind off