How to Find the Real Enlightened Master: Simple Tips


Embarking on the quest to find a truly enlightened master is often a deeply transformative journey. It's not merely about following someone; rather, it involves uncovering a truth, wisdom, and guidance that harmonizes with your personal experiences and understanding.

Enlightened Master
Enlightened Master

Locating an awakened master is quite challenging. This is primarily because few individuals ever venture beyond the comfort of their habitual unconscious routines. These routines, though comfortable, keep one tied to the familiar, and thus, the pursuit of enlightenment often remains unexplored.

I. How to Identify a True Master

Recognizing an awakened individual is not a straightforward task. How can one verify the authenticity of a master's wisdom? This is a question that has lingered for centuries without a definitive answer, simply because it cannot be fully summarized by words. However, some subtle indicators exist. A true master cannot be distinguished through rational analysis; to the intellect, he may appear illogical. Consider this an essential clue.

A genuine master communicates in paradoxes. He embodies living contradictions because truth, in its essence, is the convergence of opposites. In the true master, this truth has manifested, and polarities have reconciled. They have merged into a singular entity. He mirrors the paradoxical nature of existence itself—this should be your first indication.

So, if your mind observes something as illogical, resist the temptation to flee. This illogicality suggests the presence of mystery. Shift your focus to your heart. When your mind claims something is beyond comprehension, abandon the need to understand it with logic. Instead, relinquish the constraints of the mind. Only then will you be capable of perceiving the true master? The master can only be comprehended through heartfelt openness; the disciple must open his heart.

The true master originates from the heart, not the intellect. He is perceived through love, not reasoning. Understanding him requires active participation. To truly know him, spend time in his presence, sitting silently without preconceived notions or judgments. In such moments, something profound happens; an energy leaps from the master into your heart. It is an energetic phenomenon, not a matter of theories or philosophical hypotheses. It is a transmission of energy. Something unseen radiates from the true master and penetrates the heart of the sincere disciple.

In the presence of a true master, the disciple can flourish, akin to a lotus emerging from the mud. We transform from ignorance to innocence, becoming childlike once more.

II. Who is the True Disciple?

A true disciple is one whose heart is open. Once you've sensed the presence of a genuine master, follow him with joy, not hesitance or scepticism. Discovering such a master is the greatest blessing, for the path is fraught with challenges. Without the master, the initial step may seem insurmountable. Only the master can propel you forward, but that can only happen if you trust him.

This situation is akin to a fledgling bird perched at the edge of its nest, watching its mother soar across the sky. A deep yearning to fly takes root within the heart, and while it flutters its wings, fear holds it back—it fears falling. The mother, however, calls from afar, encouraging the little one. As she demonstrates the art of flight, the fledgling gathers courage, until, one day, the mother gently nudges it out of the nest. Despite the fear, the fledgling discovers its wings can carry it—it gains confidence and learns to balance. The first step becomes less daunting with the master's guidance.

III. How to Embrace the Unknown

A master can guide you into the unknown only if you love and trust him. This trust is akin to the love a young bird feels for its mother, confident that she means no harm. When a disciple's heart is ignited with such love for the master, the possibilities are endless. Yet, the journey is fraught with perils. The first step is the hardest, and as one delves deeper, more must be relinquished. Who will guide you on what to abandon and what to retain? The path is uncharted, and constant vigilance is required.

The journey to enlightenment demands the dissolution of the ego. This process is daunting, as it feels akin to dying. The master's role is to assist you in this transformative process, for it is through such a 'death' that rebirth occurs. The master helps you understand that this isn't an end but a beginning. Like a seed disappearing into the soil, it is not dying; it is transforming into a tree. It loses nothing but gains everything.

Finding an authentic master need not be an arduous task; one can simply sense and experience it in the presence of a true master.