Desires and Hopes: Two Powerful Forces in Life's Journey


The first thing to note is that the expression “wishes are horses and hopes are wings” usually refers to our ability to fulfil our desires, hopes and goals in our lives. This phrase expresses imaginations, aspirations, the simple desires and hopes we have in our lives that we have the ability to make come true.

Role of Desires: Desires, hopes and aspirations play a very important role in human life. Who doesn't have dreams? We always dream. Some are possible, some seem impossible. But the desire to make them come true drives us forward.

The similarity that desires are like horses refers to the power of our desires. If our desires are as strong as horses, if we harness them properly and drive them properly, they will carry us towards our goals.

Desires and Hopes: Two Powerful Forces in Life's Journey
Desires and Hopes: Two Powerful Forces in Life's Journey

Hopes: If hopes get wings, that is, if our hopes and aspirations become reality, then things that seem impossible to us become possible. Hope is like a drop. It drives man forward.

Our hopes and aspirations set our goals in life. If we strive to achieve them, if we make an effort, our hopes will come true.

I. Things to learn in life:

Efforts to make wishes come true:

It is not enough to have wishes; effort is also required to achieve them. Desires come true if one works hard. Don't just sit around dreaming, take action to achieve them.

Desires are in our minds with a burning hope, but to realize them requires a lot of effort. Mere dreaming will not drive us forward. These two important elements of “taking action and striving” are the tools to make our desires come true.

Why is the effort necessary?

1. Capacity Building: Efforts teach us new experiences and abilities. Instead of just dreaming forever, we can increase our abilities with effort.

2. Finding one's own way: While there are many ways to achieve a desire, everyone has a different path. If we work hard, we will find a way that no one else can find.

3. Achieving success: Success is impossible without hard work. Hard work is essential to every success. You will get the outcome, surely, if you are working hard.

The way to do this is to:

When we want to make our wishes come true, the thought should not just be in our minds. It is very important to implement it. Taking action is the way to reach the destination. Some suggestions:

1. Break down goals: To achieve a big desire it is necessary to break it down into smaller goals. By achieving each small goal, we reach the whole destination.

2. Immediate Actions: It is important to not just stop at the idea but take immediate action towards it. It is important to start somewhere.

3. Constant effort: One-time effort is not enough. There should be constant hard work and effort. Face the obstacles in the way and move forward without stopping.

Everyone has desires, but the effort to make them come true is the key to achieving our goals. No matter how many our hopes and desires are, we must constantly strive and take action with sincerity to realize them. Just dreaming is not enough, putting them into practice is the path to real success.

II. Punctuality:

Punctuality is very important to achieve desires and hopes. No matter how many desires we have, if we do them systematically and with proper use of time, our goals will be achieved.

Time management is the most crucial factor in achieving success in our life. We may have many wishes and hopes, but time and order are very important to fulfil them. Only by using time properly can we achieve our goals.


1. Time should be under our control: The time we have is precious. Everyone has 24 hours in a day, but how one uses that time determines their success. Without proper utilization of time, even if we have desires, we cannot achieve them.

2. Setting priorities: To achieve our desires and hopes, we have to set priorities every day. Deciding which tasks should be done first and which should be done later is a key part of time management. Once the priorities are set, we should use our time effectively according to them.

3. Break down tasks: Time can be utilized effectively by breaking big goals into smaller chunks. Determining in advance how long a task will take and completing it by that time is an important way of punctuality.

Benefits of punctuality:

1. Productivity Increases: Productivity increases by allocating time properly and completing tasks on time. When tasks are completed on time, we have more time to focus on other tasks.

2. Peace of Mind: If things are done in proportion through punctuality, we get peace of mind. Without delays or hassles, things are done systematically, which increases our satisfaction.

3. Decreases investment: Without time management, delays in work lead to additional labour and cost. If there is timing, these extremes will be reduced.

Procedures to be followed for time management:

1. Planning: Plan ahead on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. We can use our time properly by writing down what we want to do and when.

2. Discipline: Once a plan is made, it is important to execute it on time. Must be disciplined, and focus on doing things on time, without any delay.

3. Use of Technology: Nowadays many tools and apps are available which help us in planning our tasks and sharing our time properly. Time management can be improved by using them.

Time management is the key factor for our success, in realizing our desires and hopes. Only by planning time properly and working systematically, can we reach our desired goals. The productivity, peace of mind and satisfaction we get from punctuality contribute to our success.

III. Positive thinking:

For our hopes to take wing, it is important that we think positively and have faith. Negative thoughts clip the wings of our hope. That's why being positive always takes our hopes forward.

Positive thinking is the most powerful tool in our life. For our hopes and desires to take wings, our mindset should always be positive. Negative thoughts not only damage our self-confidence but also become a barrier to our success. Positive thoughts drive our hopes forward and support us towards making those dreams come true.

Positive thinking:

1. Boosts Self-Confidence: Positive thoughts boost our self-confidence. If we believe that we can achieve something, our efforts will also be directed towards it. Negative thoughts lower our self-confidence, causing us to feel inferior in our efforts.

2. Focus on solutions rather than focusing on problems: By thinking positively, it becomes easier to find a solution to whatever problem we face. Negative thoughts make us vulnerable to problems, but positive thoughts make us search for solutions.

3. Willpower: Positive thoughts give us strength and determination. That determination guides us to achieve our goals no matter how difficult it may be.

4. Good for health: Positive thoughts are not only good for our mental health but also for our physical health. Negative thoughts increase mental stress, which can lead to health problems. Positive thoughts keep us calm and happy.

Benefits of positive thinking:

1. Contribute to success: Positive thoughts help us see negative situations positively. It supports us in achieving success every day.

2. Good Relationships in the Community: Positive thoughts improve our personality. This helps us to have better relationships with others. Positive people are less stigmatized and more cooperative.

3. Spotting opportunities: By thinking positively, we turn even small opportunities into big opportunities. Negative thoughts keep us from seeing these opportunities.

How to be positive?

1. Introspection: It is good to spend a few minutes every day and introspect whether our thoughts are positive or negative.

2. Avoiding Negativity: We need to keep away from situations and people that trigger negative thoughts. By having positive people around, us, our thoughts also become positive.

3. Emphasis on competence: Recognizing our own strengths and abilities believing in them and moving forward contributes to the development of positive thinking.

4. Feeling of Gratitude: Feeling grateful for the good things we have and recognizing them also leads to positive thoughts.

Positive thoughts can effectively change our lives. To make our hopes and dreams come true, we need to think positively. Negative thoughts crush our hopes, but positive thoughts give them wings. By staying positive, we can overcome adversity and achieve success.

IV. Patience and Persistence:

Sometimes it takes time for hopes to come true. If we have patience and perseverance, our hopes will always be fulfilled. Every attempt may not be successful, but every attempt teaches us something.

These two things patience and perseverance should be indispensable in our lives. Making hopes and dreams come true requires not only effort but more importantly, patience and perseverance.


1. Value of time: When we want something, we expect to get it immediately. But some goals and hopes may take time. That time teaches us patience. Patience gives us the ability to face anything and thus makes us mentally stronger.

2. Finding one's own way: In an attempt to realize a desire, the path may be fraught with obstacles. But if you have patience, chances of growth are high in that way too. Even if we don't get quick results, we will gradually achieve success by moving in that direction step by step.

3. Mental stability: Patience gives us mental stability. At times, even if the desired result is not achieved, patience increases our self-control. It helps us choose new opportunities.


1. What is persistence? Perseverance is determination. Not stopping until a task is completed, no matter how many times one fails, or how difficult. If we persevere, we will find a way to reach our goal, no matter how many obstacles we encounter.

2. Attempt and learning: Every attempt may not be successful, but every attempt teaches us some lesson. They build our confidence, experience and skills.

3. Achieving success: If we persevere, eventually success will be ours. Because every persistent effort brings us closer to the goal, many successful people have achieved success in their lives through persistence.

How Patience and Perseverance Work Together:

1. Strong Will: Patience gives courage in us; perseverance drives it forward. Together, these two qualities help us move forward, no matter how long the journey is.

2. Right Timing: As we gradually strive to achieve our desires, our efforts will bear fruit when the right time comes. That's why patience and perseverance come hand in hand.

3. There is no room for disappointment: If we have patience, we will not get disappointed, if we have persistence, we will find ways to overcome the disappointment and try harder.

Patience and persistence are key tools for success in life. These two qualities help us in fulfilling our desires. No matter how many failures, no matter how many obstacles we face, if we have patience and perseverance, our hopes and goals will not only come true, but we will have a chance to grow even more. Moving forward with the mindset that "even if every attempt is not a success, every attempt teaches a lesson" is the way to our success.

How to:

1. Clarity: We need to be clear about what our hopes and desires are. Do we really need them? Or do we develop desires just by looking at others? That should be understood.

2. Striving: Not just having hopes, but constantly striving to achieve them.

3. Balance: Desires and hopes are most important in our lives but we should not sacrifice our health, time and personal relationships for them. We should have a balance in life.

4. Determination: We must have the right determination to fulfil our goals. No matter how big our hopes are, we can achieve them if we have the will.

"If wishes are horses, if hopes are wings" This phrase reminds us how important wishes and hopes are in life. But, to achieve them we have to work hard, be punctual, be patient and persevere. If we do this, not only will our hopes come true, but we are more likely to grow.